Derek   Illinois, United States
Squirrel! 🐿️
Kirjautunut ulos
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 500 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 4.5.
yhteensä 239 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 2.5.
yhteensä 18,1 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 30.4.
brimstone 7.4.2017 klo 15.04 
How do you own over 3000 games?
SouthernSweet<3 29.12.2011 klo 18.05 
I see you haven't stopped adding to that massive llst of games you own huh?
Skylark95 4.7.2011 klo 15.35 
Amazing how many more recommendations you get from friends when there is a ticket given for it. lol
ThermoNukePanda 27.9.2009 klo 12.19 
Hi Skylark!!
brimstone 4.7.2009 klo 8.45 
Hey, I downloaded this custom L4D map. It is actually really good I think.

Give it a shot, seems to be loads of people using it as I was able to get a public versus game going on it.
brimstone 13.6.2009 klo 15.01 
thanks for joining the group. Invite friends etc...